"..drumming can be used to shift through major issues such as fear, resentment, or anger...using your drum can help you pass through and accept the natural biological and spiritual changes that take place in the course of our lives.." - Steven Ash in Sacred Druming.
I've had a fair bit of anger, resentment and fear in the past four months. Tonight at band practice, after a four-hour session of rehearsing, criticism and fine-tuning our current tunes, we muted our critics and turned it out with this thumping dirty blues jam with Nate on guitar and Conrad on bass, Rocco improvising lyrics overs all of us. It sounded like a swarm of batsouttahell, but I knew as I was playing that I was bleeding out negative energy I've been storing up for months. I feel great knowing I left it all on the drum mat.
I'm not sure what I'm doing with this band or if anything will come of it apart from some sweet memories and fraternity, but I am having a great time, I'm not hurting anybody, and I sleep well at night, next to a lovely lady - so I ain't got much about which to bitch.
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