Life is so excessively crazy right now it's hard to think about at length.
I got a new job! In addition to my few days a week at the close to home and heart Breukelen Coffee House, I also have my first legit shift at Cornelius, an oyster-centric, artisanal cocktail gastropub, in two hours! It's pretty much all my favorite words squeezed together in perfect synchronicity. Come on: $1 oysters all day every day, killer happy hour until 8, a good price for great food and ample portions, down-to-earth clientele, co-workers and bosses, and good music. It took eight months or so for the stars to align to grant me an opportunity at this gig, and I don't intent to squander it.
Also new: the ball is rolling on Jam Night at BCH, my first attempt at gathering a healthy portion of the local musicians, artists, photographers, writers, deejays, producers, promoters, and anybody else with at least one creative bone in their body to meet each other, enjoy delicious free Stumptown Coffee, and have an opportunity to keep up said creative chops. More as it develops but I have high hopes - I don't you can't get a bunch of crazy artists from around the world together and it be a boring experience.
One of Chetta's dear friends Zero has moved in with us while he gets on his feet and is starting the second week of his New York Adventure Story. You can't move here and not get one. It's like VD in college, but interesting.
The saga continues. Tons of ideas for posts have cropped up in my brain: music reviews, food reviews, hopefully inspirational realizations re: the world and the people in it. But like Mister Burns' cornucopiatic list of disease, the sum keeps any part from making it into the intercloud. Maybe that will happen soon.
As per usual, keep the faith all, and keep breathing.
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